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                                        1. Homily- Sunday, March 15, 2020

                                          Third Sunday of Lent - Year A (Jn 4:5-42)

                                             Jesus “strong.” Jesus “weak.”

                      Are we, you and I, living in uncertainty? Are we worried? Yes! We are definitely living
                      in uncertainty because of the COVID-19 pandemic. What is this virus? What impact
                      does it have – or will it have – on us, on our family, on society? We might also be worried
                      about: Who or what can we trust? Who or what can we rely on? How are we going to
                      pull through?

                      Does living in uncertainty necessarily mean that we must also feel worried at the same
                      time? Is it possible to live in uncertainty while possessing inner calm?

                      Is it possible to experience both uncertainty and inner peace?

                      On the human level, we know what we must do. Follow the appropriate hygiene
                      measures and the various social directives issued by the various levels of governments.

                      On the interpersonal level, there is the issue of isolation. When we talk about people
                      at risk of contracting the virus due to age, frailty or illness, with it comes the risk of
                      loneliness and feelings of isolation.

                      How can the sense of isolation be prevented? Perhaps by calling someone every day,
                      calling a person who is known to be alone. It could be someone in your family, a friend,
                      an acquaintance. Calling someone every day so that no one feels isolated; so that no
                      one says, “I am alone.” You are not alone. Combat isolation.

                      Meet the Lord, pray, meditate. Jesus “weak” is with us in our weakness. He bears
                      our weaknesses. [In today’s Gospel] Jesus is tired as he approaches the well and
                      sits, entering into dialogue with the Samaritan woman. Jesus draws close to our
                      weaknesses. In prayer, offer your weakness to Jesus. Jesus is weak insofar as he
                      draws close to us in our weakness, bearing it.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         104
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