Page 99 - spiritual_accompaniment_montreal_archdiocese
P. 99


                            Moreover, I would invite you and encourage you not to be driven to blame.
                         When we are in difficult periods of our lives, it is only human to blame some-
                         thing or someone. It is important not to get caught up in the idea of blame
                         because we are all in this together, for the greatness of our planet. This
                         pandemic is not the fault of the Chinese nor was it the fault of the Spanish for
                         the Spanish flu since the flu did not even originate in Spain.  The pandemic is
                         not the cause of a particular people, race or culture. It is a biological reality
                         which now affects all of humanity. We must work together to be able to face it.

                            This question of blame makes us forget that we are in this together. Human
                         beings tend to put people in categories. In so doing, it makes us forget this.
                         From the beginning, we thought a lot about the elderly and put them slightly
                         apart in a separate category. We have gotten past that! We now focus on what
                         is really important: the health and symptoms experienced by everyone and
                         not just a particular group. We have therefore used measures that work and
                         reassure everyone. We have learned to physically distance, to wear a mask, and
                         wash our hands.

                            Lately, for example, we have also become a little impatient with certain
                         behaviours of some youth. We must not forget that we were once young and
                         thirsty  for  life  ourselves!    Young  people  have  also  struggled  and  suffered
                         through this pandemic. These are difficult times for everyone, young and old.
                         Let us not blame the young people. Let us love them and accompany them.
                         And if they disregard the rules at times and are not cautious, let us be patient.
                         Let us talk and communicate. Let us stay safe together.  Sharing our concerns
                         during the pandemic solidifies our need for each other and society. For society
                         needs the dreams and energy of its youth.

                            Let us make an important personal resolution, “I shall not blame anyone.”
                         I invite you to make a firm resolution, a necessary resolution to keep this
                         conviction that we are all confronting the pandemic together.


                 Collection of texts by the Most Rev. Christian Lépine                                         99
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