Gathering on Intercultural
Pastoral Care

The challenges of an Intercultural Parish

Our communities are enriched by many people who carry their own culture and who are eager to integrate harmoniously into life here…

How can we foster a healthy integration? What attitudes can we develop in order to grow together towards “an ever greater us”?

We will have sessions in French, English and Spanish.

Open to ALL

“The visible expression of the life of the Church in concrete particular com­munities should reflect the diversity of her members. (…) It is not a question of assimilation but rather an enrichment and a path towards transformation of all members of the community; for those arriving in a country should not feel like second class citizens but rather as part of the community, a unique “we” as full members of the Church.” 

Orientations on Intercultural Migration Ministry


in english

4 feb 2023–9 A.M.-12 P.M.

Welcome is at 8:45A.M.

Our Lady of Fatima Parish


11 FEB 2023 – 9h-12h00

Accueil à 8h45

Église Notre Dame d’Afrique

In Spanish

28 JAN 2023 – 9h-12h

Acogida a las 8:45 AM

Notre-Dame-de-Guadalupe (Mission latino-américaine)

In Collaboration with