Youth Ministry
Program overview
Participants are introduced to a theological understanding and focus on youth culture, youth development, and ministering to them in a variety of settings.
This program includes a variety of concise courses from a perspective of the Catholic Tradition, founded on Scripture, Jesus and the Sacraments. It introduces participants to a dynamic, faith-filled and holistic approach specifically designed to respond to the diverse and rapidly changing needs of this new generation.
This approach seeks to equip leaders for action and mission with children, teenagers, young adults, and their families, within their various settings.
Program Specifics
- A new vision for youth ministry
- Practical tools for a new and more fruitful evangelization
- Best practices and strategies for youth ministry
- Renewed data, knowledge and faith experiences
- A new dynamism in its language, methods and expressions
- New and creative approaches to youth ministry to facilitate the accompaniment of the digital generations of youth who represent new needs, especially in this time of pandemic or post-pandemic
For whom? Why?
This diploma is intended for adults working in youth ministry and wishing to develop skills to challenge and accompany young people in their faith journey. This pedagogical and existential project aims at a transformation of our society by motivating youth to rediscover, update and integrate into contemporary culture the human values we all need to live in solidarity and fraternity.
- To parents who want to educate their children in the faith
- Pastoral workers
- Catechists
- Youth Ministry leaders and Youth workers
- Those who work in the Community Recreation and Leadership field
- Teachers, instructors and coaches
- Social workers
Program courses
Introduction to the Bible
– The Old Testament: What does it tell us today, 1 cr.
– How to read and understand the Gospels, 1 cr.
-Keys to Reading the Letters of the New Testament and the Acts of the Apostles, 1 cr.
Theological Initiation to the Mystery of Salvation
– God in Dialogue with Humanity (Fundamental Theology), 1 cr.
– God with us: Who is Jesus Christ and what is his mission and impact on the life of the Church and contemporary society? (Christology), 1 cr.
– God, Jesus and the Church: What is the valid life project and plan of action for the generation of today and tomorrow? (Ecclesiology), 1 cr.
Introduction to the Theology of the Body
– Man and woman He created them”: what is the original plan for the human being? 1 cr.
– Christian Vision of Love and Friendship: Understanding and New Perspectives, 1 cr.
– The Art of Building Good and Harmonious Interpersonal Relationships: Some
theological inspirations, 1 cr.
Specific Courses for Youth & Family Ministry
These courses are also available à la carte without accreditation.
- Introduction to hybrid pastoral care: integrating in person and digital ministry, 1 cr.
- Framework for Youth Ministry, 1 cr.
- Implementing Youth Ministry, 1 cr.
- Leadership Foundations for Youth Ministry, 1 Cr.
- The major challenges of intercultural pastoral care: welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating migrants and refugees, 1 cr.
- Christus vivit”: He is alive and He wants you to live. New avenues for the accompaniment of youth!, , 1 cr.
- Living, Celebrating and Transmitting the Faith to All Ages: Exploring the “New Directory for Catechesis” (2020 edition), 1 cr.
Specific courses
for Youth and Family Ministry

Introduction to building a hybrid pastoral approach

Starting May 4
Implementing youth ministry

Leadership foundations for youth ministry

The major challenges of intercultural pastoral care
STARTING September 7
“Christus vivit”: He is alive and He wants you to live. New avenues for the accompaniment of youth!
Option A
With university accreditation
Accreditation requires more commitment on the part of the student and the professor. This includes not only applied participation in classes, but also additional readings, written assignments, and assessment by professors at the end of each course).
To register
- Complete the admission form on
- Complete the registration form on
- Payer les frais d’admission (95$)
- Payer les frais de scolarité (95$) et d’administration (15$) par cours**
Option B
Auditor with attestation of participation
No assignment is required. At the end of the course or microprogram, the student will receive a certificate of attendance.
Participants must attend all course sessions in order to receive a certificate.
To register:
- Complete the registration form on
- Pay for the opening of the file (30$)
- Pay the participation fee (without credit) per course ($45)**
**Once registered, the student will be invoiced for each term’s courses. Payment will be made in three parts: for the winter, summer and fall terms
In partnership with the Montreal Institute of Theological Formation
The Montreal Institute for Theological Formation of the Priests of Saint Sulpice (I.F.T.M.) is a private university institution in communion with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It offers an academic formation to priests, religious, or laity who wish to take courses or even obtain a degree in philosophy, theology, or pastoral theology. In addition, the Institute offers training courses adapted to the general public: evening conferences, sessions and symposiums. I.F.T.M. diplomas are recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Education.